sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Ayn Rand, musa de los liberales y admiradora de un asesino sin escrúpulos

Desde: Tradición Digital

Alisa Rosenbaum alias Ayn Rand, musa de los libertarios, admiradora a un asesino múltiple sin escrúpulos morales

Le admiraba, precisamente, por esa falta de escrúpulos morales que hacía de él un paradigma del individualista liberal. El individuo en cuestión se llamaba William Edward Hickman.
Rand se refirió a él en su diario en estos términos:
“The best and strongest expression of a real man’s psychology I have heard,” she exulted. (Quoted in Ryan, citing Journals of Ayn Rand, pp. 21-22.)
Lo defensores de esta libertaria judía dicen que fue un error de juventud, pero el héroe de una de sus novelas, The Fountainhead’s, llamado Howard Roark está moldeado sobre este criminal. Escribe esto en su diario:
He “has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things which dominate his entire attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world.” (Journals, p. 93.)
Más notas sobre el personaje:
“Other people have no right, no hold, no interest or influence on him. And this is not affected or chosen — it’s inborn, absolute, it can’t be changed, he has ‘no organ’ to be otherwise. In this respect, he has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel ‘other people.’ “
Difícil de tragar. Pero hay más. Esta fascinación de Ayn Rand por el canalla se complementa muy oportunamente con el desprecio que sentía por el ciudadano medio:
“Worse sins and crimes and kidnapping, murdering, and mutilating a helpless little girl? If Rand honestly believed that the average American had worse skeletons than that in his closet, then her opinion of “the average man” is even lower than I had suspected.
Y para rematar, os dejo esto sobre el desprecio de esta judía libertaria por el Cristianismo, tan común en la etnia:
“All the criminal, ludicrous, tragic nonsense of Christianity and its morals, virtues, and consequences. Is it any wonder that he didn’t accept it?” So it is Christianity that is characterized as “criminal,” just as it is average Americans who are excoriated for their “sins and crimes.”
In case there is any doubt as to Rand’s position vis-a-vis Christianity, a few pages later we find her fulminating against the depravity of:
“… the pastors who try to convert convicted murderers to their religion… The fact that right after his sentence Hickman was given a Bible by the jailer. I don’t know of anything more loathsome, hypocritical, low, and diabolical than giving Bibles to men sentenced to death. It is one of those things that’s comical in its stupidity and horrid because of this lugubrious, gruesome comedy.”
TOMADO DE: Tradición Digital

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